Monday, August 17, 2009

In case of 2007: April and May

I get the feeling I’ll look back on this and either remember how and not why, or why, but not how.


Circumstantial evidence:

  1. I am wearing a pair of his socks.
  2. The movie is stopped somewhere in the middle.
  3. I have no idea if it’s rainy or sunny.
  4. The fridge is empty.
  5. My earrings have disappeared.
  6. My fingerprints. Everywhere.
  7. The corpse, still warm, in the middle of the living room floor.

Yep. I think there’s enough to convict me.


One line slashed down from his collarbone to his hips and ribs materialized around it. His frame bled and grew, budded into shoulders, deepened into almond colored skin. I watched with fascination as Eric blossomed beneath my gaze. He seemed to me to be a man of clay. Ash and bronze and pyrite.

The earth moved beneath me and beside me on the living room floor. He yawned once, curled himself around my body, and kissed the small of my back.

I ate Cheerios (witnessed his birth.)

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